
To achieve the full NVQ Level 6 Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice qualification a candidate must demonstrate their competency, knowledge and understanding by completing the Ten mandatory units. This qualification allows candidates to learn, develop and practice the skills required for employment and/or career progression in the Health and Safety sector through our Distance Learning Portal meaning you can earn your qualification in level 6 Health and Safety online. When undertaking your Health and Safety training online there are mandatory units you must successfully complete in order to achieve the NVQ Occupational Health and Safety qualification.

Mandatory units:

  • D/616/9536 Promote a positive health and safety culture
  • F/616/9531 Develop and implement the health and safety policy
  • J/616/9532 Develop and implement effective communication systems for health and safety information
  • R/616/9534 Develop and maintain individual and organisational competence in health and safety matters
  • Y/616/9535 Identify, assess and control health and safety risks
  • H/616/9537 Develop and implement proactive monitoring systems for health and safety
  • K/616/9538 Develop and implement reactive monitoring systems for health and safety
  • M/616/9539 Develop and implement health and safety emergency response systems and procedures
  • H/616/9540 Develop and implement health and safety review systems
  • K/616/9541 Maintain knowledge of improvements to influence health and safety practice.

Assessment for the NVQ Level 6 Health and Safety Diploma is by the production of a personal portfolio demonstrating understanding and application of the standards at this level. This is greatly simplified by our eLearning platform, through which evidence can be electronically submitted.

NVQ Qualification Duration

24 months access (average completion time is 6-8 months)

Membership to Professional bodies

The ProQual level 6 provides Graduate membership upon application and following this access to IPD for Chartered membership. You will need to maintain your CPD with IOSH whilst studying this course and we advise you to join IOSH as a member at the point of enrollment. GradIOSH is subject to IOSH acceptance

The Entry Criteria for a MSc requires a degree at 2:2 or above for entry to year 2 of the MSC/PgDip. Where an applicant does not hold a degree, you will be eligible for entry to a year 1 of the MSc/PgCert. 


You can use this course to apply to Strathclyde University for a Health & Safety MSc at an additional cost which will be quoted at time of application

Unlimited tutor support

Our Tutors use the Virtual platform to support students around the world. Our messaging system and support forums are an excellent way to engage, where our tutors can provide expert support.

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